Fundo Semear 2024 - Tema Clima e Trabalho

O que é:  O Fundo Semear é uma microbolsa oferecida pelo Pulitzer Center para financiar projetos de educação que enriqueçam as perspectivas e os conhecimentos da comunidade universitária - especificamente estudantes e educadores - sobre os problemas, soluções e inovações relacionadas com o impacto das atividades humanas no meio ambiente. Nossa proposta é apoiar projetos que tenham como impacto final, inspirar mudanças de perspectivas, narrativas e ações na sociedade. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo da bolsa é criar audiências mais informadas sobre as questões pouco ambientais pouco debatidas. O fundo Semear teve sua primeira edição no Brasil em 2023, e alguns dos principais resultados podem ser conferidos aqui

Temas apoiados em 2024: neste ano iremos apoiar projetos que enfoquem florestas (Amazônia), oceanos e a relação entre mudanças climáticas e trabalho. 

As reportagens como inspiração para os projetos: As histórias resultantes dos programas de apoio a jornalismo sobre florestas tropicais, clima e trabalho e oceanos, financiados pelo Pulitzer Center, trazem importantes perspectivas locais, muitas vezes de vozes pouco ouvidas. Ainda, as reportagens priorizam histórias e situações pouco reportadas, mas de extrema relevância para pensar os desafios atuais acerca das florestas tropicais, oceanos e mudanças climáticas. Estas reportagens produzem muitos recursos visuais e dados de alta qualidade, capazes de transmitir questões complexas de uma forma interessante e de fácil compreensão, sendo assim uma excelente ferramenta de educação e comunicação. Dessa forma, podem gerar importantes subsídios para os projetos financiados pelo Fundo Semear, e as propostas precisam utilizar ou se inspirar nas histórias reportadas por jornalistas apoiados pelo Pulitzer Center

Reportagens base para os projetos: Por favor, confira uma lista de algumas reportagens selecionadas para a Amazônia AQUI (essas reportagens são apenas alguns exemplos e você pode encontrar todas as reportagens para Amazônia no site do Pulitzer Center). As reportagens para Clima & Trabalho podem ser encontradas aqui e para Oceanos, podem ser conferidas aqui

O Pulitzer Center: O Pulitzer Center é uma organização que busca aumentar a conscientização sobre questões globais pouco reportadas por meio do apoio direto ao jornalismo de qualidade em várias plataformas de mídia e um programa de educação e divulgação pública. Nossa atuação é expressiva nas regiões tropicais  (América Latina, Bacia do Congo e Sudeste Asiático) com diversos conteúdos jornalísticos importantes e diversos veículos de comunicação de pequeno, médio e grande porte, aliados a projetos de educação consolidados, para aumentar o alcance das reportagens e gerar discussão sobre tais questões com a população local.

Temas que serão financiados pelo projeto semear 2024: O Pulitzer Center tem apoiado reportagens que trabalham com temas pouco reportados nas Florestas Tropicais, Oceanos e na relação entre Clima e Trabalho. A partir dessas histórias, em 2024, o Fundo Semear propõe o financiamento de atividades relacionadas à educação e engajamento da comunidade universitária especificamente nesses três temas: florestas tropicais, oceanos e a relação entre mudanças climáticas e trabalho. 

Para quem se destina/ Quem pode aplicar?

1. Os candidatos devem ser professores,  pesquisadores, ou grupos de estudantes orientados por um professor responsável, baseados no Brasil. No caso do Brasil, aplicações de professores e pesquisadores baseados em universidades na região da Amazônia Legal são muito bem-vindas. Ainda, projetos realizados através de consórcios entre professores de universidades de uma ou mais regiões do país também são muito bem-vindos. 

2. É desejável (mas não é obrigatório) que os projetos incluam parcerias com a sociedade civil e movimento social local e movimentos indígenas ou de comunidades tradicionais. 

Valor e tempo de execução dos projetos: Os subsídios do Fundo Semear vão até R$2200,00 (valores em reais). Esperamos que os projetos sejam implementados num prazo de quatro meses após a aprovação.  

Objetivos: Acreditamos no poder do conhecimento e no papel da educação e dos educadores na abordagem dos problemas multidisciplinares nas regiões de florestas tropicais e da crise climática. Por isso, o Fundo Semear foi concebido para fornecer fundos iniciais aos educadores no Brasil, com a finalidade de aumentar a sensibilização para as questões socioambientais. O Fundo Semear oferece apoio em microescala para:

- Iniciar novas colaborações ou desenvolver colaborações existentes entre professores, investigadores, estudantes e jornalistas;

- Aumentar o envolvimento entre as comunidades educativas, os jornalistas e populações indígenas e tradicionais;

- Estimular a utilização de imagens criativas (por exemplo, fotografias, vídeos curtos, documentários, podcasts), imagens de dados e informações das reportagens em materiais didáticos, atividades de estudantes, materiais curriculares e de aulas, ou publicações científicas; 

- Facilitar a adoção dos resultados apresentados nas reportagens para a investigação relevante e outros produtos científicos.

O Fundo Semear foi concebido para ser flexível e responder às necessidades dos educadores e das comunidades, permitindo aos candidatos estabelecer atividades relacionadas com questões urgentes da floresta tropical e da crise climática.

Tipo de atividades que esperamos financiar:

Exemplos de atividades e resultados desejáveis do apoio do Fundo Semear podem incluir, mas não estão limitados a:

- Produção e divulgação de conteúdos visuais (pequenos vídeos, documentários, podcasts, conteúdos);

- Mini exposição em campus universitários; 

- Workshop de jornalismo para estudantes

- Mobilidade/envolvimento de comunidades indígenas ou tradicionais: Atividades de intercâmbio de conhecimentos, visitas de estudantes, expedições à biodiversidade, jornalismo cidadão.

-Atividades de comunicação para promoção de cidadania relacionada aos temas propostos. 

- Apoio a atividades de investigação: Adoção de dados para melhorar a precisão da investigação em curso, inserção de dados ou conhecimentos num capítulo de um livro

-  Inserção dos resultados em materiais didáticos, debates no campus, hackathons sobre questões sociais, debates e diálogos liderados por estudantes

Você pode verificar aqui os resultados dos projetos selecionados em 2023. 


- As propostas precisam utilizar ou se inspirar nas histórias reportadas por jornalistas apoiados pelo Pulitzer Center, para todos os programas apoiados (florestas, oceanos e clima e trabalho);

- A atividade deve apresentar um impacto pretendido junto do público da comunidade académica (estudantes ou professores/investigadores bolsistas) ou da sociedade civil;

Duração do projeto 

A duração máxima para a execução da proposta é de quatro meses. Uma vez aprovado o financiamento e assinado o acordo de financiamento com Centro Pulitzer, os fundos serão transferidos para o candidato principal seleccionado. As datas formais de início e fim do projeto serão estabelecidas no acordo do apoio. Os candidatos devem apresentar relatórios financeiros e narrativos no final do período e apoio, detalhando os custos e os resultados.

Processo de apresentação

A candidatura deve incluir o seguinte:

- Uma descrição geral do projeto proposto em não mais de 500 palavras. Esta deve incluir os objetivos, as atividades propostas, o impacto pretendido e a justificação do projeto proposto.

- Descrição do público-alvo e projeção (número) do público total alcançado, 

- Estratégia (ou metodologia)

- Calendário detalhado de execução das atividades

- Uma estimativa orçamental preliminar, incluindo uma previsão dos custos. 

- Se as atividades propostas incluírem atividades de intercâmbio de conhecimentos com povos originários ou comunidades tradicionais, deve ser apresentada uma declaração de um membro da comunidade que demonstre o seu consentimento. Pode ser sob a forma de uma mensagem ou carta.

- Se as atividades incluírem a produção de conteúdos, deve ser descrita uma nota conceitual que explique o modo de produção e os resultados pretendidos  

- Uma cópia do curriculum vitae (apenas) do principal proponente

-Uma carta de recomendação (de chefes de departamento ou os diretores do seu local de trabalho) - opcional

Processo de seleção:

  1. Envio da proposta pelos candidatos.
  2. Seleção das propostas finalistas por uma banca composta pela equipe do Pulitzer Center.
  3. Entrevistas com o/a(s) responsáveis pelas melhores propostas.
  4. Seleção final das  melhores propostas, para implementação imediata da  bolsa.

Calendário da chamada: 

Processo de submissão : 2 de abril a 26 de Maio

Processo de seleção: 27 de Maio a 15 de junho

Anúncio dos contemplados: 18 de junho

Administração do processo de implementação da bolsa: 19 de junho a 5 de julho

Implementação: 5 de julho a 30 de outubro

Relatório final do projeto e fechamentos: até 20 de novembro.


Mais informações - por favor entrar em contato com a gestora responsável:

Maria Rosa Darrigo (região Brasil /Amazônia):

Fundo Semear 2024 - Tema Oceanos


O que é:  O Fundo Semear é uma microbolsa oferecida pelo Pulitzer Center para financiar projetos de educação que enriqueçam as perspectivas e os conhecimentos da comunidade universitária - especificamente estudantes e educadores - sobre os problemas, soluções e inovações relacionadas com o impacto das atividades humanas no meio ambiente. Nossa proposta é apoiar projetos que tenham como impacto final, inspirar mudanças de perspectivas, narrativas e ações na sociedade. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo da bolsa é criar audiências mais informadas sobre as questões pouco ambientais pouco debatidas. O fundo Semear teve sua primeira edição no Brasil em 2023, e alguns dos principais resultados podem ser conferidos aqui

Temas apoiados em 2024: neste ano iremos apoiar projetos que enfoquem florestas (Amazônia), oceanos e a relação entre mudanças climáticas e trabalho. 

As reportagens como inspiração para os projetos: As histórias resultantes dos programas de apoio a jornalismo sobre florestas tropicais, clima e trabalho e oceanos, financiados pelo Pulitzer Center, trazem importantes perspectivas locais, muitas vezes de vozes pouco ouvidas. Ainda, as reportagens priorizam histórias e situações pouco reportadas, mas de extrema relevância para pensar os desafios atuais acerca das florestas tropicais, oceanos e mudanças climáticas. Estas reportagens produzem muitos recursos visuais e dados de alta qualidade, capazes de transmitir questões complexas de uma forma interessante e de fácil compreensão, sendo assim uma excelente ferramenta de educação e comunicação. Dessa forma, podem gerar importantes subsídios para os projetos financiados pelo Fundo Semear, e as propostas precisam utilizar ou se inspirar nas histórias reportadas por jornalistas apoiados pelo Pulitzer Center

Reportagens base para os projetos: Por favor, confira uma lista de algumas reportagens selecionadas para a Amazônia AQUI (essas reportagens são apenas alguns exemplos e você pode encontrar todas as reportagens para Amazônia no site do Pulitzer Center). As reportagens para Clima & Trabalho podem ser encontradas aqui e para Oceanos, podem ser conferidas aqui


O Pulitzer Center: O Pulitzer Center é uma organização que busca aumentar a conscientização sobre questões globais pouco reportadas por meio do apoio direto ao jornalismo de qualidade em várias plataformas de mídia e um programa de educação e divulgação pública. Nossa atuação é expressiva nas regiões tropicais  (América Latina, Bacia do Congo e Sudeste Asiático) com diversos conteúdos jornalísticos importantes e diversos veículos de comunicação de pequeno, médio e grande porte, aliados a projetos de educação consolidados, para aumentar o alcance das reportagens e gerar discussão sobre tais questões com a população local.

Temas que serão financiados pelo projeto semear 2024: O Pulitzer Center tem apoiado reportagens que trabalham com temas pouco reportados nas Florestas Tropicais, Oceanos e na relação entre Clima e Trabalho. A partir dessas histórias, em 2024, o Fundo Semear propõe o financiamento de atividades relacionadas à educação e engajamento da comunidade universitária especificamente nesses três temas: florestas tropicais, oceanos e a relação entre mudanças climáticas e trabalho. 

Para quem se destina/ Quem pode aplicar?

1. Os candidatos devem ser professores,  pesquisadores, ou grupos de estudantes orientados por um professor responsável, baseados no Brasil. No caso do Brasil, aplicações de professores e pesquisadores baseados em universidades na região da Amazônia Legal são muito bem-vindas. Ainda, projetos realizados através de consórcios entre professores de universidades de uma ou mais regiões do país também são muito bem-vindos. 

2. É desejável (mas não é obrigatório) que os projetos incluam parcerias com a sociedade civil e movimento social local e movimentos indígenas ou de comunidades tradicionais. 


Valor e tempo de execução dos projetos: Os subsídios do Fundo Semear vão até R$2200,00 (valores em reais). Esperamos que os projetos sejam implementados num prazo de quatro meses após a aprovação.  


Objetivos: Acreditamos no poder do conhecimento e no papel da educação e dos educadores na abordagem dos problemas multidisciplinares nas regiões de florestas tropicais e da crise climática. Por isso, o Fundo Semear foi concebido para fornecer fundos iniciais aos educadores no Brasil, com a finalidade de aumentar a sensibilização para as questões socioambientais. O Fundo Semear oferece apoio em microescala para:

- Iniciar novas colaborações ou desenvolver colaborações existentes entre professores, investigadores, estudantes e jornalistas;

- Aumentar o envolvimento entre as comunidades educativas, os jornalistas e populações indígenas e tradicionais;

- Estimular a utilização de imagens criativas (por exemplo, fotografias, vídeos curtos, documentários, podcasts), imagens de dados e informações das reportagens em materiais didáticos, atividades de estudantes, materiais curriculares e de aulas, ou publicações científicas; 

- Facilitar a adoção dos resultados apresentados nas reportagens para a investigação relevante e outros produtos científicos.

O Fundo Semear foi concebido para ser flexível e responder às necessidades dos educadores e das comunidades, permitindo aos candidatos estabelecer atividades relacionadas com questões urgentes da floresta tropical e da crise climática.


Tipo de atividades que esperamos financiar:

Exemplos de atividades e resultados desejáveis do apoio do Fundo Semear podem incluir, mas não estão limitados a:

- Produção e divulgação de conteúdos visuais (pequenos vídeos, documentários, podcasts, conteúdos);

- Mini exposição em campus universitários; 

- Workshop de jornalismo para estudantes

- Mobilidade/envolvimento de comunidades indígenas ou tradicionais: Atividades de intercâmbio de conhecimentos, visitas de estudantes, expedições à biodiversidade, jornalismo cidadão.

-Atividades de comunicação para promoção de cidadania relacionada aos temas propostos. 

- Apoio a atividades de investigação: Adoção de dados para melhorar a precisão da investigação em curso, inserção de dados ou conhecimentos num capítulo de um livro

-  Inserção dos resultados em materiais didáticos, debates no campus, hackathons sobre questões sociais, debates e diálogos liderados por estudantes

Você pode verificar aqui os resultados dos projetos selecionados em 2023. 



- As propostas precisam utilizar ou se inspirar nas histórias reportadas por jornalistas apoiados pelo Pulitzer Center, para todos os programas apoiados (florestas, oceanos e clima e trabalho);

- A atividade deve apresentar um impacto pretendido junto do público da comunidade académica (estudantes ou professores/investigadores bolsistas) ou da sociedade civil;


Duração do projeto 

A duração máxima para a execução da proposta é de quatro meses. Uma vez aprovado o financiamento e assinado o acordo de financiamento com Centro Pulitzer, os fundos serão transferidos para o candidato principal seleccionado. As datas formais de início e fim do projeto serão estabelecidas no acordo do apoio. Os candidatos devem apresentar relatórios financeiros e narrativos no final do período e apoio, detalhando os custos e os resultados.

Processo de apresentação

A candidatura deve incluir o seguinte:

- Uma descrição geral do projeto proposto em não mais de 500 palavras. Esta deve incluir os objetivos, as atividades propostas, o impacto pretendido e a justificação do projeto proposto.

- Descrição do público-alvo e projeção (número) do público total alcançado, 

- Estratégia (ou metodologia)

- Calendário detalhado de execução das atividades

- Uma estimativa orçamental preliminar, incluindo uma previsão dos custos. 

- Se as atividades propostas incluírem atividades de intercâmbio de conhecimentos com povos originários ou comunidades tradicionais, deve ser apresentada uma declaração de um membro da comunidade que demonstre o seu consentimento. Pode ser sob a forma de uma mensagem ou carta.

- Se as atividades incluírem a produção de conteúdos, deve ser descrita uma nota conceitual que explique o modo de produção e os resultados pretendidos  

- Uma cópia do curriculum vitae (apenas) do principal proponente

-Uma carta de recomendação (de chefes de departamento ou os diretores do seu local de trabalho) - opcional


Processo de seleção:

  1. Envio da proposta pelos candidatos.
  2. Seleção das propostas finalistas por uma banca composta pela equipe do Pulitzer Center.
  3. Entrevistas com o/a(s) responsáveis pelas melhores propostas.
  4. Seleção final das  melhores propostas, para implementação imediata da  bolsa.


Calendário da chamada: 

Processo de submissão : 2 de abril a 26 de Maio

Processo de seleção: 27 de Maio a 15 de junho

Anúncio dos contemplados: 18 de junho

Administração do processo de implementação da bolsa: 19 de junho a 5 de julho

Implementação: 5 de julho a 30 de outubro

Relatório final do projeto e fechamentos: até 20 de novembro.



Mais informações - por favor entrar em contato com a gestora responsável:

Maria Rosa Darrigo (região Brasil /Amazônia):

Please submit the following application for the AI Spotlight Series Track 2 consideration. One of our three coaches, Karen Hao, Gabriel Geiger, and Lam Thuy Vo, will teach this course.

Each course is designed to give you a firm grounding in AI and how it works, as well as the tools to identify critical stories—from spot news to deep investigations—that will highlight the technology’s impacts, hold companies and governments accountable, and drive policy and community change while avoiding hype and unnecessary alarmism.

Track 2 is designed for reporters who grasp AI, spend significant time covering technology, and want to go deeper. It will help you clarify your understanding of technical concepts and think more expansively about how to cover the different facets of this fast-moving story.

The course will require a dedicated time commitment: We will meet for 6 hours in one week, and an additional hour of recommended homework will be provided between sessions to maximize class time.

At the program's end, you can pitch the Pulitzer Center for a grant or fellowship to support an AI accountability reporting project. You will also join the Center’s broader AI Accountability Network, a global consortium of journalists investigating and documenting AI's impacts on people and communities.

Aqui você pode ser candidatar ao Fundo Semear - Tema Florestas. 

Por favor, leia com atenção o edital abaixo e caso tenha alguma dúvida escreva para 

Fundo Semear 2024

O que é:  O Fundo Semear é uma microbolsa oferecida pelo Pulitzer Center para financiar projetos de educação que enriqueçam as perspectivas e os conhecimentos da comunidade universitária - especificamente estudantes e educadores - sobre os problemas, soluções e inovações relacionadas com o impacto das atividades humanas no meio ambiente. Nossa proposta é apoiar projetos que tenham como impacto final, inspirar mudanças de perspectivas, narrativas e ações na sociedade. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo da bolsa é criar audiências mais informadas sobre as questões pouco ambientais pouco debatidas. O fundo Semear teve sua primeira edição no Brasil em 2023, e alguns dos principais resultados podem ser conferidos aqui. 

As reportagens como inspiração para os projetos: As histórias resultantes dos programas de apoio a jornalismo sobre florestas tropicais, clima e trabalho e oceanos, financiados pelo Pulitzer Center, trazem importantes perspectivas locais, muitas vezes de vozes pouco ouvidas. Ainda, as reportagens priorizam histórias e situações pouco reportadas, mas de extrema relevância para pensar os desafios atuais acerca das florestas tropicais e mudanças climáticas. Estas reportagens produzem muitos recursos visuais e  dados de alta qualidade, capazes de transmitir questões complexas de uma forma interessante e de fácil compreensão, sendo assim uma excelente ferramenta de educação e comunicação. Dessa forma, podem gerar importantes subsídios para os projetos financiados pelo Fundo Semear, e as propostas precisam utilizar ou se inspirar nas histórias reportadas por jornalistas apoiados pelo Pulitzer Center

Reportagens base para os projetos: Por favor, confira uma lista de algumas reportagens selecionadas para a Amazônia AQUI (essas reportagens são apenas alguns exemplos e você pode encontrar todas as reportagens para Amazônia no site do Pulitzer Center). As reportagens para Clima & Trabalho podem ser encontradas aqui e para Oceanos, podem ser conferidas aqui

O Pulitzer Center: O Pulitzer Center é uma organização que busca aumentar a conscientização sobre questões globais pouco reportadas por meio do apoio direto ao jornalismo de qualidade em várias plataformas de mídia e um programa de educação e divulgação pública. Nossa atuação é expressiva nas regiões tropicais  (América Latina, Bacia do Congo e Sudeste Asiático) com diversos conteúdos jornalísticos importantes e diversos veículos de comunicação de pequeno, médio e grande porte, aliados a projetos de educação consolidados, para aumentar o alcance das reportagens e gerar discussão sobre tais questões com a população local.

Temas que serão financiados pelo projeto semear 2023: O Pulitzer Center tem apoiado reportagens que trabalham com temas pouco reportados nas Florestas Tropicais, Oceanos e na relação entre Clima e Trabalho. A partir dessas histórias, em 2024, o Fundo Semear propõe o financiamento de atividades relacionadas à educação e engajamento da comunidade universitária especificamente nesses três temas: florestas tropicais, oceanos e a relação entre mudanças climáticas e trabalho. 

Para quem se destina/ Quem pode aplicar?

1. Os candidatos devem ser professores,  pesquisadores, ou grupos de estudantes orientados por um professor responsável, baseados no Brasil. No caso do Brasil, aplicações de professores e pesquisadores baseados em universidades na região da Amazônia Legal são muito bem-vindas. Ainda, projetos realizados através de consórcios entre professores de universidades de uma ou mais regiões do país também são muito bem-vindos. 

2. Consultar o anexo 1 para obter informações específicas sobre os critérios de elegibilidade e as oportunidades

3. É desejável (mas não é obrigatório) que os projetos incluam parcerias com a sociedade civil e movimento social local e movimentos indígenas ou de comunidades tradicionais. 

Valor e tempo de execução dos projetos: Os subsídios do Fundo Semear vão até R$20500,00 (valores em reais). Esperamos que os projetos sejam implementados num prazo de quatro meses após a aprovação.  

Objetivos: Acreditamos no poder do conhecimento e no papel da educação e dos educadores na abordagem dos problemas multidisciplinares nas regiões de florestas tropicais e da crise climática. Por isso, o Fundo Semear foi concebido para fornecer fundos iniciais aos educadores no Brasil, com a finalidade de aumentar a sensibilização para as questões socioambientais. O Fundo Semear oferece apoio em microescala para:

- Iniciar novas colaborações ou desenvolver colaborações existentes entre professores, investigadores, estudantes e jornalistas;

- Aumentar o envolvimento entre as comunidades educativas, os jornalistas e populações indígenas e tradicionais;

- Estimular a utilização de imagens criativas (por exemplo, fotografias, vídeos curtos, documentários, podcasts), imagens de dados e informações das reportagens em materiais didáticos, atividades de estudantes, materiais curriculares e de aulas, ou publicações científicas; 

- Facilitar a adoção dos resultados apresentados nas reportagens para a investigação relevante e outros produtos científicos.

O Fundo Semear foi concebido para ser flexível e responder às necessidades dos educadores e das comunidades, permitindo aos candidatos estabelecer atividades relacionadas com questões urgentes da floresta tropical e da crise climática.

Tipo de atividades que esperamos financiar:

Exemplos de atividades e resultados desejáveis do apoio do Fundo Semear podem incluir, mas não estão limitados a:

- Produção e divulgação de conteúdos visuais (pequenos vídeos, documentários, podcasts, conteúdos);

- Mini exposição em campus universitários; 

- Workshop de jornalismo para clubes de imprensa de estudantes

- Mobilidade/envolvimento de comunidades indígenas ou tradicionais: Atividades de intercâmbio de conhecimentos, visitas de estudantes, expedições à biodiversidade, jornalismo cidadão.

-Atividades de comunicação para promoção de cidadania relacionada aos temas propostos. 

- Apoio a atividades de investigação: Adopção de dados para melhorar a precisão da investigação em curso, inserção de dados ou conhecimentos num capítulo de um livro

-  Inserção dos resultados em materiais didáticos, debates no campus, hackathons sobre questões sociais, debates e diálogos liderados por estudantes

Você pode verificar aqui os resultados dos projetos selecionados em 2023. 


- As propostas precisam utilizar ou se inspirar nas histórias reportadas por jornalistas apoiados pelo Pulitzer Center, para todos os programas apoiados (florestas, oceanos e clima e trabalho);

- A atividade deve apresentar um impacto pretendido junto do público da comunidade académica (estudantes ou professores/investigadores bolsistas) ou da sociedade civil;

Duração do projeto 

A duração máxima para a execução da proposta é de quatro meses. Uma vez aprovado o financiamento e assinado o acordo de financiamento com Centro Pulitzer, os fundos serão transferidos para o candidato principal seleccionado. As datas formais de início e fim do projeto serão estabelecidas no acordo do apoio. Os candidatos devem apresentar relatórios financeiros e narrativos no final do período e apoio, detalhando os custos e os resultados.


Candidate-se agora - Link

Processo de apresentação

A candidatura deve incluir o seguinte:

- Uma descrição geral do projeto proposto em não mais de 500 palavras. Esta deve incluir os objetivos, as atividades propostas, o impacto pretendido e a justificação do projeto proposto.

- Descrição do público-alvo e projeção (número) do público total alcançado, 

- Estratégia (ou metodologia)

- Calendário detalhado de execução das atividades

- Uma estimativa orçamental preliminar, incluindo uma previsão dos custos. 

- Se as atividades propostas incluírem atividades de intercâmbio de conhecimentos com povos originários ou comunidades tradicionais, deve ser apresentada uma declaração de um membro da comunidade que demonstre o seu consentimento. Pode ser sob a forma de uma mensagem ou carta.

- Se as atividades incluírem a produção de conteúdos, deve ser descrita uma nota conceitual que explique o modo de produção e os resultados pretendidos  

- Uma cópia do curriculum vitae (apenas) do principal proponente

-Uma carta de recomendação (de chefes de departamento ou os diretores do seu local de trabalho) - opcional

Processo de seleção:

  1. Envio da proposta pelos candidatos.
  2. Seleção das 12 melhores propostas por uma banca composta pelo Pulitzer Center staff
  3. Entrevistas com o/a(s) responsáveis pelas 12 melhores propostas
  4. Seleção final das 6 melhores propostas, para implementação imediata da  bolsa. (data prevista: setembro de 2023) 


Candidate-se agora - Link

Calendário da proposta: 

Processo de submissão : 2 de abril a 26 de Maio

Processo de seleção: 27 de Maio a 15 de junho

Anúncio dos contemplados: 18 de junho

Administração do processo de implementação da bolsa: 19 de junho a 5 de julho

Implementação: 5 de julho a 30 de outubro

Relatório final do projeto e fechamentos: até 20 de novembro.

Mais informações - por favor entrar em contato com a gestora responsável:

Maria Rosa Darrigo :

Applications are now open to join the second cohort of the Ocean Reporting Network (ORN), a fellowship programme for professional journalists who get the opportunity to spend a whole year working on an in-depth or investigative ocean story. 

Up to eight fellowships are available. The full-time, year-long fellowships will cover a reporter’s salary and provide additional reporting expenses. 


  • We want compelling, impactful, innovative and well-developed story ideas that can be followed over the course of a year - not just a one-off story, or coverage of a general topic. 
  • Experienced environmental journalists working with local, regional or international media outlets, in online, print, radio and video format. 
  • Teams of journalists proposing cross-border collaborations. 
  • Dedicated team players who will devote a full year to their ocean investigation and publish regularly following a timeline decided together with the Pulitzer Center and their editors. 


  • Experienced journalists with a proven track record of investigative or in-depth ocean or environmental reporting; 
  • Journalists with a solid understanding of ocean issues and the scientific, environmental, social, legal, political, and commercial forces at play — and why this issue matters to our global well-being;
  • Staff or freelance journalists working on various platforms, including print, radio, video, and multimedia. Freelance reporters must have the support of a local or international newsroom that agrees to host them and publish the work they produce during the Fellowship;
  • Team players with the experience and ability to work collaboratively across newsrooms and borders, and the willingness to learn new skills;
  • Reporters who are motivated to participate in outreach activities related to their investigations, such as meetings in communities and visits to schools and universities.


  • A copy of your résumé or curriculum vitae.
  • A description of the investigative or in-depth reporting project you seek to pursue during your fellowship (800 words).
  • A plan for how your project will be published and distributed, which audiences you want to reach and how you will engage them (500 words). 
  • A statement of purpose: How does this fellowship fit in with your career path and why you are best positioned to be a Ocean Reporting Network Fellow (500 words).
  • A letter of support from your media employer or a newsroom that has agreed to host you. 
  • Three examples of your most impactful investigations published in the past 3-5 years. 
  • Contact details for three professional references.


Applications for the Fellowships will open on Tuesday April 2nd and close on Sunday May 26, at 23:59 ET.

Please use this form to apply.

Shortlisted candidates can expect to be interviewed in mid-June to early July and start the 12-month Fellowship on August 1 2024. 

We encourage applications in English, but we accept materials in other languages if needed. 

If you have questions, please contact Jessica Aldred or Gustavo Faleiros at 

We encourage proposals from journalists and newsrooms that represent a broad array of social, racial, ethnic, and underrepresented groups, and economic backgrounds.

Please note that selected candidates will work remotely.

It is mandatory for applicants to read through our full version guidelines (PDF format) in this link: Link will be added soon

Impact Seed Funding (ISF) 2024 

Guidelines (Summary)

The Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) supports educational and engagement initiatives addressing the most critical issues confronting our planet's ecosystems and communities. The 2024 ISF focuses on a range of topics, including rainforests, oceans, and climate change, with a particular emphasis on its interconnectedness with workers and vulnerable communities. 

Southeast Asia: Rainforests, Climate and Labor nexus

Impact Seed Funding (ISF) is a microscale grant provided by the Pulitzer Center to support education, research, or scientific activities with the aim to enrich the perspectives and knowledge within the university community—specifically students and educators. ISF facilitates a deeper understanding of complex problems and encourages the exploration of solutions and innovations to address the impact of human activities on rainforests, oceans, and the climate crisis.

We aim to support projects that inspire changes in perspectives, narratives, and actions, fostering a more informed and empathetic community. By utilizing Pulitzer Center-supported stories, the ISF initiative aims to:

  1. Improve the awareness and critical      thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to      tropical forests, oceans, climate crisis, including their impacts on      vulnerable communities. It encourages members of the university community      to explore innovative solutions to address these impacts.
  2. Equip students and educators to take      action and drive change to protect the environment, as well as the rights      of those most affected by environmental destruction.

The ISF is designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of educators and communities, enabling applicants to create activities related to pressing issues of climate and environment, relevant to the local context. 

Launched in 2022 in Indonesia, the ISF expanded its scope to Latin America and beyond.  

Utilizing stories as the center of the proposed projects: The Pulitzer Center’s different programs have produced journalism stories that bring to light local perspectives, often from voices that are rarely heard. These reports focus on underreported stories and situations that are crucial to better understand the challenges around tropical forests, climate change and ocean. These reports produce high-quality visuals, in-depth analysis, and data resources capable of conveying complex issues in a powerful and digestible way, making them excellent educational and communications tools. As such, they can generate important inputs for ISF-funded projects. All proposals must utilize at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists and explain how it will be relevant in the project. 

Who can apply?

  1. Applicants should be university      professors or researchers based in an institution
  2. Applicants are welcome to propose a      project through a consortium of educators from universities in one or more      regions of the country. 


We believe in the power of knowledge and the role of education and educators in addressing multidisciplinary issues in social and environmental topics. Therefore, the ISF is designed to provide seed funding to educators globally to raise awareness of key issues to their communities around the world and contribute to aspired positive changes. The ISF provides micro-scale support to:

  • Initiate new collaborations or build on      existing collaborations among professors, researchers, students, local      universities, most affected local communities, and journalists;
  • Increase engagement between educational      communities, journalists, and Indigenous and traditional populations;
  • Encourage the use of creative materials      (e.g., photographs, short videos, documentaries, podcasts), infographics,      data visuals, and information from the reports in teaching materials,      student activities, curricular and classroom materials, or scientific publications; 
  • Facilitate the adoption of the results      presented in the reports into relevant research and other scientific      products.

ISF Southeast Asia grants range from USD $3,000 to $4,000. We expect projects to be implemented within four months of approval.  

What we fund

  • Collaborative projects with Pulitzer Center-supported journalists or multi-disciplinary educators;
  • Collaborative projects with the most      affected local communities, such as: knowledge exchange activities,      student immersive learnings, biodiversity expeditions, and citizen      journalism;
  • Insertion of results into teaching      materials, campus debates, hackathons on social issues, student-led      debates, and dialogues;
  • Support for webinar series, seminars;
  • Production and dissemination of visual      content to support learning aids (short videos, documentaries, podcasts);
  • Small exhibitions on campus, such as      photo exhibits or film screenings; 
  • Journalism workshops for student press      clubs;
  • Communication activities to promote      citizenship related to the proposed themes; 
  • Support for research activities: Adoption      of data to improve the accuracy of ongoing research, insertion of data or      knowledge in a book chapter.


  • Proposals need to utilize and be inspired      by at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists      about rainforests (RIN and RJF), oceans, and Our Work/Environment grants

Proposal shares key subtopics within the spectrum of forest, oceans, climate & labor issues, placing the reportings of Rainforest Journalism Fund / Rainforest Investigations Network / Our Work & Environment / Oceans Reporting Network at the center of project activities. You can find the list of stories, the topics and other details in the annex 1.

Examples include: collaboration with Pulitzer Center network journalists in the activity design upon proposal approval; utilization of key data/information from the journalists’ reportings in proposal outputs or activities.

  • The activity must present intended      impacts with audiences in the academic community (students or      faculty/research fellows) and civil society that align with one or both of      the following outcomes:
  1. Improve the awareness and critical      thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to      tropical forests, oceans and the climate crisis including their impacts on      vulnerable communities, and encourage the exploration of solutions and      innovations to address these impacts.
  2. Equip students and educators to take      action and drive changes to foster protection of the social and      environment discourse as well as the rights of those most affected by      socio-environmental destruction.
  • Projects will ideally collaborate with      the most affected communities, e.g. co-conceiving ideas with Indigenous      communities, community leaders, or local organizations working directly      with disadvantaged communities, collaboration with smaller universities in      local areas. 
  • The project must demonstrate a strong      Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion approach.

How to Apply

  • All applicants must apply through the      submittable, an online application platform for all of the opportunities
  • For Southeast Asia applicants that needs      to apply in local language, please make sure you send application in the      appropriate links.

What you need to prepare for the application form:

  • Name and other contact details
  • Project Title
  • Elaboration of the proposed project
  • Elaboration on working with pulitzer      center supported stories or journalist
  • Target audience
  • Elaboration on impact
  • Strategy or methodology to ensure the      success of the project
  • Proposed budget
  • Budget Details, defining the related      deliverables or activities followed by the unit details and price
  • Timeline
  • Consent from the local community if      applicant plans to work with them
  • Preliminary content production plan if      applicant plans to produce contents including references and content      distribution plan
  • CV of the project leader including three referees 


Application process: April- May 27, 2024

  1. Selection process: May 27 - Jul 27, 2024
  2. Grants announcement: July 31, 2024
  3. Briefing and grants administration:      August 1 - Aug 14, 2024
  4. Implementation duration: August 1 - Dec      1, 2024
  5. Project closure: December 7 - 31, 2024
  6. Project Reporting: January 2025

For more information, please contact the responsible managers:

Grenti Paramitha (Southeast Asia region): 


It is mandatory for applicants to read through our full version guidelines (PDF format) in this link: Impact Seed Funding (ISF) 2023 | Pulitzer Center

Impact Seed Funding (ISF) 2023 

Guidelines (Summary)

Eligible regions: Countries in Southeast Asia 

Themes: Rainforest, Climate & Labor

ISF is a micro-scale grant to finance education activities with the aim to enrich the perspectives and knowledge of the university community - specifically students and educators - about the problems, solutions, and innovations related to the impact of human activities in tropical forests and the climate crisis. We aspire to support projects that aim to inspire changes in perspectives, narratives, and actions among communities as its ultimate impact. In this way, the main goal of the grant is to create more informed and empathetic communities about the under-publicized issues of the rainforest and climate change. The ISF is designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of educators and communities, allowing applicants to establish activities related to pressing issues of the rainforest and climate crisis.

The ISF was launched in 2022 in Indonesia. Due to the initiative's success, we have expanded the regional scope to the Amazon as well, in 2023. 


The stories as inspiration for the projects: The stories resulting from the Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), Rainforest Investigative Network (RIN), and Climate & Labor programs bring local perspectives, often from voices that are little heard. In addition, the reports focus on underreported stories and situations that are key to thinking about current challenges around tropical forests and climate change. These reports produce many high quality visual, writing, and data resources, capable of conveying complex issues in a powerful and easy-to-understand way, configuring an excellent educational and communication tool. As such, they can generate important inputs for ISF-funded projects, and proposals need to use or be inspired by the stories reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists.. 


Topics that will be funded by the ISF 2023 project: The Pulitzer Center has supported reporting that works on underreported issues in tropical forests for the past 5 years, especially via two journalism funding funds: Rainforest Journalism Fund and Rainforest Investigative Network. In 2022, we also started a grant program for stories with a focus on discussing the relationship between Climate and Labor.  


Who can apply?

  1. Applicants should be professors or researchers, or groups of students guided by a responsible professor, based in countries in Southeast Asia or Brazil (depending on the region where the grant will be applied). In the case of Brazil, applications from professors and researchers based at universities in the Legal Amazon region are very welcome. Projects carried out through consortia of educators from universities in one or more regions of the country are also very welcome. 
  2. See our guidelines for specific information on eligibility criteria and opportunities



We believe in the power of knowledge and the role of education and educators in addressing multidisciplinary problems in rainforest regions and the climate crisis. Therefore, the ISF is designed to provide seed funding to educators in Southeast Asia and the Amazon to raise awareness of pressing tropical forests and climate issues among communities in both regions. The ISF provides micro-scale support to:

  • Initiate new collaborations or build on existing collaborations between professors, researchers, students, and journalists;
  • Increase engagement between educational communities, journalists, and indigenous and traditional populations;
  • Encourage the use of creative materials (e.g., photographs, short videos, documentaries, podcasts), data images, and information from the reports in teaching materials, student activities, curricular and classroom materials, or scientific publications; 
  • Facilitate the adoption of the results presented in the reports into relevant research and other scientific products.


Resources and timing of ISF grants range from US$3,000 to US$4,000 (US dollars). We expect projects to be implemented within 4 months of approval.  

Type of activities we hope to fund:

Examples of activities and desirable outcomes of ISF support may include, but are not limited to:

  • Production and dissemination of visual content (short videos, documentaries, podcasts, content);
  •  Mini exhibition on campus 
  • Journalism workshop for student press clubs
  • Indigenous or traditional community mobility/engagement: Knowledge exchange activities, student visits, biodiversity expeditions, citizen journalism.
  • Communication activities to promote citizenship related to the proposed themes. 
  • Support for research activities: Adoption of data to improve the accuracy of ongoing research, insertion of data or knowledge in a book chapter
  • Insertion of results into teaching materials, campus debates, hackathons on social issues, student-led debates, and dialogues



  • Proposals need to use or be inspired by stories reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists for the Rainforest (RIN and RJF) and Climate and Labor programs;
  • The activity must present an intended impact with audiences in the academic community (students or faculty/research fellows) or civil society;
  • See more details on the details of the SEA and Amazon opportunities and priority reporting under the Rainforest Journalism Fund, Rainforest Investigations Network, and Climate & Labor in Appendix 1
  • It is desirable (but not mandatory) projects include partnerships with civil society, local social movements and indigenous or traditional community movements. 

Timeline (EXTENDED)

Application process: June 26 – August 30

  1. Selection process: August 31 – September 15
  2. Grants announcement: September 18
  3. Briefing and grants administration: September 18 - 22
  4. Implementation duration: September 25, 2023- January 24, 2024
  5. Project reporting and closure: January 24 - February 15 2024

For more information - please, contact the responsible managers:

Grenti Paramitha (Southeast Asia region): 

It is mandatory for applicants to read through our full version guidelines (PDF format) in this link: Insert Link

Impact Seed Funding (ISF) 2024 

Guidelines (Summary)

The Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) supports educational and engagement initiatives addressing the most critical issues confronting our planet's ecosystems and communities. The 2024 ISF focuses on a range of topics, including rainforests, oceans, and climate change, with a particular emphasis on its interconnectedness with workers and vulnerable communities. 

Southeast Asia: Rainforests, Climate and Labor nexus

Impact Seed Funding (ISF) is a microscale grant provided by the Pulitzer Center to support education, research, or scientific activities with the aim to enrich the perspectives and knowledge within the university community—specifically students and educators. ISF facilitates a deeper understanding of complex problems and encourages the exploration of solutions and innovations to address the impact of human activities on rainforests, oceans, and the climate crisis.

We aim to support projects that inspire changes in perspectives, narratives, and actions, fostering a more informed and empathetic community. By utilizing Pulitzer Center-supported stories, the ISF initiative aims to:

  1. Improve the awareness and critical thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to tropical forests, oceans, climate crisis, including their impacts on vulnerable communities. It encourages members of the university community to explore innovative solutions to address these impacts.
  2. Equip students and educators to take action and drive change to protect the environment, as well as the rights of those most affected by environmental destruction.

The ISF is designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of educators and communities, enabling applicants to create activities related to pressing issues of climate and environment, relevant to the local context. 

Launched in 2022 in Indonesia, the ISF expanded its scope to Latin America and beyond.  

Utilizing stories as the center of the proposed projects: The Pulitzer Center’s different programs  have produced journalism stories that bring to light local perspectives, often from voices that are rarely heard. These reports focus on underreported stories and situations that are crucial to better understand the challenges around tropical forests, climate change and  ocean. These reports produce high-quality visuals, in-depth analysis, and data resources capable of conveying complex issues in a powerful and digestible way, making them excellent educational and communications tools. As such, they can generate important inputs for ISF-funded projects. All proposals must utilize at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists and explain how it will be relevant in the project. 

Who can apply?

  1. Applicants should be university professors or researchers based in an institution
  2. Applicants are welcome to propose a project through a consortium of educators from universities in one or more regions of the country. 


We believe in the power of knowledge and the role of education and educators in addressing multidisciplinary issues in social and environmental topics. Therefore, the ISF is designed to provide seed funding to educators globally to raise awareness of key issues to their communities around the world and contribute to aspired positive changes. The ISF provides micro-scale support to:

  • Initiate new collaborations or build on existing collaborations among professors, researchers, students, local universities, most affected local communities, and journalists;
  • Increase engagement between educational communities, journalists, and Indigenous and traditional populations;
  • Encourage the use of creative materials (e.g., photographs, short videos, documentaries, podcasts), infographics, data visuals, and information from the reports in teaching materials, student activities, curricular and classroom materials, or scientific publications; 
  • Facilitate the adoption of the results presented in the reports into relevant research and other scientific products.

ISF Southeast Asia grants range from USD $3,000 to $4,000. We expect projects to be implemented within four months of approval.  

What we fund

  • Collaborative projects with Pulitzer Center-supported journalists or multi-disciplinary educators;
  • Collaborative projects with the most affected local communities, such as: knowledge exchange activities, student immersive learnings, biodiversity expeditions, and citizen journalism;
  • Insertion of results into teaching materials, campus debates, hackathons on social issues, student-led debates, and dialogues;
  • Support for webinar series, seminars;
  • Production and dissemination of visual content to support learning aids (short videos, documentaries, podcasts);
  • Small exhibitions on campus, such as photo exhibits or film screenings; 
  • Journalism workshops for student press clubs;
  • Communication activities to promote citizenship related to the proposed themes; 
  • Support for research activities: Adoption of data to improve the accuracy of ongoing research, insertion of data or knowledge in a book chapter.


  • Proposals need to utilize and be inspired by at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists about rainforests (RIN and RJF), oceans, and Our Work/Environment grants

Proposal shares key subtopics within the spectrum of forest, oceans,  climate & labor issues, placing the reportings of Rainforest Journalism Fund / Rainforest Investigations Network / Our Work & Environment / Oceans Reporting Network  at the center of project activities.  You can find the list of stories, the topics and other details in the annex 1.

Examples include: collaboration with Pulitzer Center network journalists in the activity design upon proposal approval; utilization of key data/information from the journalists’ reportings in proposal outputs or activities.

  • The activity must present intended impacts with audiences in the academic community (students or faculty/research fellows) and civil society that align with one or both of the following outcomes:
  1. Improve the awareness and critical thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to tropical forests, oceans and the climate crisis including their impacts on vulnerable communities, and encourage the exploration of solutions and innovations to address these impacts.
  2. Equip students and educators to take action and drive changes to foster protection of the social and environment discourse as well as the rights of those most affected by socio-environmental destruction.

  • Projects will ideally collaborate with the most affected communities, e.g. co-conceiving ideas with Indigenous communities, community leaders, or local organizations working directly with disadvantaged communities, collaboration with smaller universities in local areas. 
  • The project must demonstrate a strong Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion approach.

How to Apply

  • All applicants must apply through the submittable, an online application platform for all of the opportunities

  • For Southeast Asia applicants that needs to apply in local language, please make sure you send application in the appropriate  links.

What you need to prepare for the application form:

  • Name and other contact details
  • Project Title
  • Elaboration of the proposed project
  • Elaboration on working with pulitzer center supported stories or journalist
  • Target audience
  • Elaboration on impact
  • Strategy or methodology to ensure the success of the project
  • Proposed budget
  • Budget Details, defining the related deliverables or activities followed by the unit details and price
  • Timeline
  • Consent from the local community if applicant plans to work  with them
  • Preliminary content production plan if applicant plans to produce contents including references and content distribution plan
  • CV of the project leader including three referees 


Application process: April- May 27, 2024

  1. Selection process: May 27 - Jul 27, 2024
  2. Grants announcement: July 31, 2024
  3. Briefing and grants administration: August 1 - Aug 14, 2024
  4. Implementation duration: August 1 - Dec 1, 2024
  5. Project closure: December 7 - 31, 2024
  6. Project Reporting: January 2025

For more information, please contact the responsible managers:

Grenti Paramitha (Southeast Asia region): 


Seluruh pendaftar wajib membaca Panduan Lengkap Asia Tenggara (dalam PDF) yang dapat diakses pada link berikut:

Impact Seed Fund (ISF) 2024

Wilayah: Negara-negara di Asia Tenggara

Topik Utama: Iklim dan Lingkungan

Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) mendukung inisiatif pendidikan dan keterlibatan dalam mengatasi permasalahan paling kritis yang dihadapi ekosistem dan komunitas planet kita. ISF 2024 berfokus pada berbagai topik, termasuk hutan hujan, lautan, dan perubahan iklim, dengan penekanan khusus pada keterhubungannya dengan pekerja dan komunitas rentan.

Topik Asia Tenggara: Hutan Hujan, Nexus Iklim dan Tenaga Kerja

Impact Seed Funding ( ISF) adalah hibah skala mikro yang diberikan oleh Pulitzer Center untuk mendukung pendidikan, penelitian, atau kegiatan ilmiah dengan tujuan untuk memperkaya perspektif dan pengetahuan dalam komunitas universitas — khususnya mahasiswa dan dosen. ISF memfasilitasi pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai permasalahan yang kompleks dan mendorong eksplorasi solusi dan inovasi untuk mengatasi dampak aktivitas manusia terhadap lingkungan. hutan hujan , lautan, dan krisis iklim .

Kami mendukung proyek-proyek yang menginspirasi perubahan dalam perspektif, narasi, dan aksi, untuk mendorong komunitas yang memiliki pemahaman dan empati yang lebih baik. Dengan memanfaatkan liputan-liputan berita yang didukung Pulitzer Center , inisiatif ISF bertujuan untuk:

  1. Meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemikiran kritis pendidik, peneliti dan mahasiswa mengenai permasalahan kompleks terkait hutan tropis, lautan, dan krisis iklim, termasuk dampaknya terhadap komunitas rentan. Hal ini mendorong komunitas universitas untuk mencari solusi inovatif untuk turut mengatasi dampak ini.

  1. Memperkaya wawasan pendidik, peneliti dan mahasiwa agar terinspirasi untuk mengambil aksi dan mendorong perubahan untuk melindungi lingkungan, serta hak-hak mereka yang paling terdampak dari kerusakan lingkungan.

ISF dirancang agar fleksibel dan responsif terhadap kebutuhan pendidik dan masyarakat, memungkinkan pelamar untuk membuat kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu mendesak mengenai iklim dan lingkungan yang relevan dengan konteks lokal.

Diluncurkan pada tahun 2022 di Indonesia, ISF telah memperluas cakupannya ke Amerika Latin, Afrika, dan negara-negara lainnya . 

Menggunakan reportase sebagai inti dari proyek yang diusulkan: Berbagai program editorial Pulitzer Center telah menghasilkan reportase jurnalisme yang mengungkap perspektif lokal, seringkali dari suara-suara yang jarang terdengar. Reportase ini berfokus pada isu-isu yang kurang terekspos dan situasi-situasi yang penting untuk lebih memahami tantangan - tantangan seputar hutan tropis , perubahan iklim , dan kelautan. Reportase ini memproduksi visual berkualitas tinggi, analisis mendalam , dan sumber data ,yang mampu menyampaikan isu-isu kompleks dengan cara yang kuat dan mudah dicerna , menjadikannya bahan ajar dan materi komunikasi yang sangat baik. Dengan demikian, materi-materi ini dapat menjadi input penting untuk proyek-proyek yang didanai ISF . Semua​ proposal harus menggunakan setidaknya satu reportase yang dilaporkan oleh jurnalis yang didukung Pulitzer Center.


Siapa yang bisa melamar?

  1. Pelamar harus merupakan profesor di universitas atau peneliti yang berbasis di suatu institusi.
  2. Pelamar dipersilakan untuk mengusulkan proyek melalui konsorsium dosen dari universitas di satu atau lebih di negara tersebut.


Kami percaya pada kekuatan pengetahuan dan peran pendidikan dan pendidik dalam mengatasi masalah multidisiplin dalam topik sosial dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, ISF dirancang untuk memberikan seed fund kepada para pendidik secara global untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan isu-isu utama komunitas mereka di seluruh dunia dan berkontribusi terhadap perubahan positif yang dicita-citakan . ISF memberikan dukungan skala mikro untuk:

  • Menginisiasi kolaborasi baru atau membangun kolaborasi yang sudah terjalin antara para profesor, peneliti, mahasiswa, universitas lokal , komunitas lokal yang paling terkena dampak, dan jurnalis;
  • Meningkatkan keterlibatan antara komunitas pendidikan, jurnalis, dan masyarakat adat dan tradisional;
  • Mendorong penggunaan materi visual kreatif (misalnya foto, video pendek, dokumenter, podcast), infografis, data visual, dan informasi dari reportase ke dalam bahan ajar, kegiatan siswa, materi kurikuler dan kelas, atau publikasi ilmiah;
  • Memfasilitasi adopsi dari materi yang disajikan dalam reportase ke dalam penelitian relevan dan produk ilmiah lainnya.

Dana ISF Asia Tenggara berkisar dari USD $ 3,000 hingga $4,000. Kami mengharapkan bahwa proyek akan dilaksanakan dalam waktu empat bulan.

Apa yang kami danai

  • Proyek kolaborasi antara dosen atau peneliti multidisiplin dengan jurnalis yang didukung Pulitzer Center;
  • Proyek kolaborasi dengan komunitas lokal yang paling terkena dampak, seperti: kegiatan pertukaran pengetahuan, pembelajaran mendalam bagi siswa, ekspedisi keanekaragaman hayati, dan jurnalisme warga;
  • Penyisipan materi jurnalistik ke dalam bahan ajar, debat kampus, hackathon tentang isu-isu sosial, debat yang dipimpin mahasiswa, dan dialog;
  • Dukungan untuk seri webinar, seminar;
  • Produksi dan penyebaran konten visual untuk mendukung alat bantu pembelajaran (video pendek, dokumenter, podcast);
  • Pameran kecil di kampus, seperti pameran foto atau pemutaran film ;
  • Lokakarya jurnalisme untuk klub pers mahasiswa;
  • Kegiatan komunikasi untuk mempromosikan aktivisme warga terkait dengan tema yang diusulkan ; 
  • Dukungan kegiatan penelitian: Adopsi data untuk meningkatkan keakuratan penelitian yang sedang berlangsung, penyisipan data atau pengetahuan dalam bab buku.


  • Proposal harus memanfaatkan dan terinspirasi oleh setidaknya satu reportase atau liputan oleh jurnalis yang didukung Pulitzer Center pada topik hutan hujan (Rainforest Investigations Network dan Rainforest Journalism Fund) , kelautan , atau Hibah Our Work/Environment.

Proposal memiliki sub-topik utama dalam spektrum masalah hutan, lautan, atau iklim & ketenagakerjaan ,yang menempatkan pelaporan atau reportase mengenai:

Pelamar harus menggunakan setidaknya satu reportase dari program di atas sebagai tema primer dari kegiatan proyek yang diusulkan. Contohnya meliputi: kolaborasi dengan jurnalis jaringan Pulitzer Center dalam rancangan kegiatan setelah proposal disetujui; pemanfaatan data/informasi penting dari pemberitaan jurnalis dalam keluaran atau kegiatan proposal.

  • Kegiatan harus berkontribusi pada perubahan positif yang melibatkan khalayak di komunitas akademis (mahasiswa atau dosen/peneliti) dan masyarakat sipil yang sejalan dengan tujuan berikut:

  1. Meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemikiran kritis mahasiswa,pendidik atau peneliti mengenai permasalahan kompleks terkait hutan tropis, lautan, dan krisis iklim, termasuk dampaknya terhadap masyarakat rentan ,dan mendorong eksplorasi solusi dan inovasi untuk mengatasi dampak tersebut.
  2. Melengkapi mahasiswa dan pendidik dengan khasanah pengetahuan alternatif untuk menstimulasi aksi dan perubahan untuk mendorong perlindungan wacana sosial dan lingkungan serta hak-hak mereka yang paling terkena dampak kehancuran sosial-lingkungan.

  • Proyek idealnya akan berkolaborasi dengan masyarakat yang paling terkena dampak atau komunitas lokal, misalnya menyusun ide bersama dengan masyarakat adat, tokoh masyarakat, atau organisasi lokal yang bekerja secara langsung dengan komunitas yang rentan; kolaborasi dengan universitas-universitas di daerah setempat dengan komunitas terdampak.
  • Proyek ini harus menunjukkan pendekatan Keberagaman, Kesetaraan, dan Inklusi (Diversity, Equality and Inclusion) yang kuat. Lihat Pernyataan DEI Pulitzer Center untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Cara Mendaftar

  • Seluruh pendaftar harus mendaftar melalui platform, Submittable, yang memuat semua kesempatan yang berada di lingkungan Pulitzer Center.
  • Bagi pendaftar dari Asia Tenggara yang ingin mendaftar dengan bahasa lokal, pastikan anda mengirimkan aplikasi pada tautan yang tepat:
    • English
    • Bahasa Indonesia
    • Thai

Apa yang anda perlu siapkan pada formulir aplikasi:

  • Nama dan rincian kontak lainnya
  • Judul Proyek
  • Elaborasi proyek yang diusulkan
  • Elaborasi tentang rencana adopsi materi reportase atau kolaborasi dengan jurnalis yang didukung oleh Pulitzer Center
  • Target audiens
  • Elaborasi mengenai dampak
  • Strategi atau metodologi untuk memastikan keberhasilan proyek
  • Anggaran yang diusulkan
  • Detail Anggaran, mendefinisikan deliverables atau aktivitas terkait diikuti dengan detail unit dan harga
  • Jadwal waktu
  • Persetujuan dari komunitas lokal jika pemohon berencana untuk bekerja dengan mereka
  • Rencana produksi konten preliminary jika pemohon berencana untuk menghasilkan konten termasuk referensi dan rencana distribusi konten
  • CV pemimpin proyek termasuk tiga referensi


Pendaftaran Aplikasi: April - 27 Mei 2024

  1. Proses seleksi: 27 Mei - 27 Juli 2024
  2. Pengumuman hibah: 31 Juli 2024
  3. Pengarahan dan administrasi hibah: 1 Agustus – 14 Agustus 2024
  4. Durasi pelaksanaan: 1 Agustus – Desember 2024
  5. Penutupan proyek: 7 - 31 Desember 2024
  6. Pelaporan Proyek : Januari 2025

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut , silakan hubungi manajer pendidikan regional di masing-masing wilayah:

Grenti Paramitha (wilayah Asia Tenggara):

It is mandatory for applicants to read through our full version guidelines (PDF format) in this link: Link will be added soon

Impact Seed Fund (ISF) 2024



Impact Seed Funding (ISF) is a micro-scale grant provided by the Pulitzer Center to support education activities with the aim to enrich the perspectives and knowledge of the university community— specifically students and educators—about the problems, solutions, and innovations related to the impact of human activities in tropical forests, ocean, and the climate crisis. We aim to support projects that inspire changes in perspectives, narratives, and actions among communities as its ultimate impact. In this way, the main goal of the grant is to create more informed and empathetic communities about the underreported issues of the rainforest and climate change. The ISF is designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of educators and communities, allowing applicants to establish activities related to pressing issues of the rainforest, the ocean and the climate crisis. 

The stories as inspiration for the projects

The stories resulting from the Rainforest Journalism Fund, Rainforest Investigations Network, Transparency and Governance, and Ocean Reporting Network programs bring determinant local and global perspectives, often from voices that are little heard. In addition, the reports focus on underreported stories and situations that are key to thinking about current challenges around tropical forests, ocean, and transparency issues. These reports produce many high quality visual, writing, and data resources, capable of conveying complex issues in a powerful and easy-to-understand way, configuring an excellent educational and communication tool. As such, they can generate important inputs for ISF-funded projects, and proposals need to be inspired by and utilize the stories reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists. 

Topics that will be funded by the 2024 project

The Pulitzer Center has supported reporting that works on underreported issues in tropical forests for the past years, especially via two journalism funding funds: Rainforest Journalism Fund and Rainforest Investigative Network. In 2023, we also started a grant program for stories with a focus on discussing ocean-related topics. Based on these stories, the ISF proposes to fund activities related to education and engagement of the university community specifically on these two topics: tropical forests and ocean

Who can apply?

  • Applicants should be professors or researchers in a higher education institution, or groups of students guided by a responsible professor, and not have the project applied in Africa, Brazil, or Southeast Asia, as these areas have their own ISF grant. Projects carried out through consortia of professors are also very welcome. 

Type of activities we fund

Examples of activities and desirable outcomes of ISF support may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Educational material development: Incorporating Pulitzer Center journalism into teaching materials and syllabus, field trip program, active citizenship training.
  • Engagement with students, academia and public: Student writing competition, debate, public dialogue, exhibition on campus, hackathons.
  • Research support and dissemination of findings: This may include updating ongoing research and incorporating new insights in a book chapter, organizing a seminar.
  • Content production and dissemination including short videos, documentaries, podcasts.

Resources and timing of projects

ISF grants range from US$2,000 to US$4,000 (US dollars). We expect projects to be implemented and concluded within five months of approval.

Aims of ISF

We believe in the power of knowledge and the role of education and educators in addressing multidisciplinary problems. Therefore, the ISF is designed to provide seed funding to educators in order to raise awareness of pressing tropical forests, ocean, transparency and governance issues among communities. The ISF provides micro-scale support to:

  • Initiate new collaborations or build on existing collaborations between professors, researchers, students, and journalists; 
  • Increase engagement between educational communities, journalists, and Indigenous and traditional populations; 
  • Encourage the use of creative images (e.g., photographs, short videos, documentaries, podcasts), data images, and information from the reports in teaching materials, student activities, curricular and classroom materials, or scientific publications;
  • Facilitate the adoption of the results presented in the reports into relevant research and other scientific products.


  • Proposals need to be inspired and utilize stories reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists for the rainforest (RIN and RJF), ocean, and transparency and governance programs. All proposals must utilize at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists and explain how it will be relevant in the project. 
  • The activity must present an intended impact with audiences in the academic community (students or faculty/research fellows) or civil society that align with one or both of the following outcomes:

  1. Improve the awareness and critical thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to tropical forests, oceans, climate crisis, including their impacts on vulnerable communities and explore innovative solutions to address these impacts.

  1. Equip students and educators to take action and drive change to protect the environment, as well as the rights of those most affected by environmental destruction.

  • It is desirable (but not mandatory) that projects include partnerships with civil society, local social movements, and Indigenous or traditional community movements. 

Project Duration

The maximum duration for the implementation of the proposal is five months. Upon approval of the project proposal and the signing of  agreement with Pulitzer Center, funds will be transferred to the selected lead applicant. Formal start and end dates for the project will be established in the agreement. Applicants must submit financial and narrative reports at the end of the period and support, detailing costs incurred and outcomes achieved.

How to Apply

All applicants are required to submit their proposal via Submittable, an online platform for  managing all proposal submissions. Please see the link below.

The application must include the following: 

  • A general description of the proposed project in no more than 400 words. This should include the objectives, problem statement and rationale, proposed activities, and intended impact of the proposed project;
  • Description of the target audience and projection (number) of the total audience reached;
  • Strategy (or methodology);
  • Activity implementation timeline;
  • A preliminary budget estimate, including a cost forecast;
  • If the proposed activities include knowledge exchange activities with Indigenous peoples or traditional communities, a statement from a community member demonstrating their consent must be submitted. This can be in the form of a message or letter; 
  • If the activities include content production, a content production and distribution plan should be include;
  • A copy of the curriculum vitae (only) of the lead applicant, including a letter of recommendation (from department heads or the directors of your workplace).

Selection Process

  • Submission of the proposal by the applicants; 
  • Shortlist of proposals by a panel of Pulitzer Center staff;
  • Interview with the proposal lead applicant by a panel of Pulitzer Center staff; 
  • Announcement of selected proposal for immediate implementation of the grant (expected date: End of July 2024).


  • Application process: April - May 27, 2024
  • Selection process: May 27 - Jul 27, 2024 
  • Grants announcement: July 31, 2024 
  • Briefing and grants administration: August 1 - Aug 14, 2024 
  • Implementation duration: August 1 - December 2024 
  • Project closure: December 7 - 31, 2024 
  • Project Reporting : January 2025

For more information

Please contact the responsible manager

  • Bruna Wagner (Global):


It is mandatory for applicants to read through our full version guidelines (PDF format) in this link: Guidelines [French], Guidelines [English

Africa Impact Seed Funding (ISF) 2024
Eligible regions: Africa

The Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) supports educational and engagement initiatives addressing the most critical issues confronting our planet's ecosystems and communities. The 2024 ISF focuses on a range of topics, including rainforests, oceans, and climate change, with a particular emphasis on its interconnectedness with workers and vulnerable communities. 

We’re calling for passionate educators and researchers to turn their innovative ideas on the issues of climate and environment into reality!

Impact Seed Funding (ISF) is a microscale grant provided by the Pulitzer Center to support education, research, or scientific activities with the aim to enrich the perspectives and knowledge within the university community—specifically students and educators. ISF facilitates a deeper understanding of complex problems and encourages the exploration of solutions and innovations to address the impact of human activities on rainforests, oceans, and the climate crisis.

We aim to support projects that inspire changes in perspectives, narratives, and actions,   fostering a more informed and empathetic community. By utilizing Pulitzer Center-supported stories, the ISF initiative aims to:

  1. Improve the awareness and critical thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to tropical forests, oceans, and the climate crisis, including their impacts on vulnerable communities. It encourages members of the university community to explore innovative solutions to address these impacts.
  2. Equip students and educators to take action and drive change to protect the environment, as well as the rights of those most affected by environmental destruction.

The ISF is designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of educators and communities, enabling applicants to create activities related to pressing issues of climate and environment relevant to the local context. 

Launched in 2022 in Indonesia, the ISF expanded its scope to Brazil, Africa and beyond.  

Utilizing stories as the center of the proposed projects: The Pulitzer Center’s programs  have produced journalism stories that bring to light local perspectives, often from voices that are rarely heard. 

These reports focus on underreported stories and situations that are crucial to better understand the challenges around tropical forests, climate change and  oceans. These reports produce high-quality visuals, in-depth analysis, and data resources capable of conveying complex issues in a powerful and digestible way, making them excellent educational and communications tools.  As such, they can generate important inputs for ISF-funded projects. 

All proposals must utilize at least  one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists and explain how it will be relevant in the project. 


Who can apply?

  1. Applicants should be university professors or researchers based in an institution. 
  2. Applicants are welcome to propose a project  through a consortia of educators from universities in one or more regions of the country. 
  3. See our eligibility guidelines in the regional information box at the beginning of the page  for Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa, and Global.



We believe in the power of knowledge and the role of education and educators in addressing multidisciplinary issues in social and environmental topics. Therefore, the ISF is designed to provide seed funding to educators globally to raise awareness of key issues to their communities around the world and contribute to aspired positive changes. The ISF provides micro-scale support to:

  • Initiate new collaborations or build on existing collaborations among professors, researchers, students, local universities, most affected local communities, and journalists;
  • Increase engagement between educational communities, journalists, and Indigenous and traditional populations;
  • Encourage the use of creative materials (e.g., photographs, short videos, documentaries, podcasts), infographics, data visuals, and information from the reports in teaching materials, student activities, curricular and classroom materials, or scientific publications; 
  • Facilitate the adoption of the results presented in the reports into relevant research and other scientific products.

ISF grants range from USD $2,500 to $4,500 with different budget sizes in every regional opportunities, so applicants have to read through guidelines that are appropriate to their region or countries. We expect projects to be implemented within four months of approval.  


What we fund

  • Collaborative projects with Pulitzer Center-supported journalists or multi-disciplinary educators;
  • Collaborative projects with the most affected local communities, such as: knowledge exchange activities, student immersive learnings, biodiversity expeditions, and citizen journalism;
  • Insertion of results into teaching materials, campus debates, hackathons on social issues, student-led debates, and dialogues;
  • Support for webinar series, seminars;
  • Production and dissemination of visual content to support learning aids (short videos, documentaries, podcasts);
  • Small exhibitions on campus, such as photo exhibits or film screenings; 
  • Journalism workshops for student press clubs;
  • Communication activities to promote citizenship related to the proposed themes; 
  • Support for research activities: Adoption of data to improve the accuracy of ongoing research, insertion of data or knowledge in a book chapter.



  • Proposals need to be inspired by and utilize and be inspired by at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists about Rainforests (RIN and RJF), Oceans, or Our Work/Environment grants.
  • Proposal shares key subtopics within the spectrum of forest, oceans, or  climate & labor issues, placing the reportings of Rainforest Journalism Fund / Rainforest Investigations Network / Our Work & Environment / Oceans Reporting Network  at the center of project activities. Examples include: collaboration with Pulitzer Center network journalists in the activity design upon proposal approval; utilization of key data/information from the journalists’ reportings in proposal outputs or activities.
  • The activity must present  intended impacts with audiences in the academic community (students or faculty/research fellows) and civil society that align with one or both of the following outcomes:
  1. Improve the awareness and critical thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to tropical forests, oceans, and the climate crisis, including their impacts on vulnerable communities, and encourage the exploration of solutions and innovations to address these impacts.
  2. Equip students and educators to take action and drive changes to foster protection of the social and environment discourse as well as the rights of those most affected by socio-environmental destruction.

  • See more requirement details or guidelines on the Southeast Asia, Brazil, Africa or Global information at the beginning of this page.
  • Projects will ideally collaborate with the most affected communities, e.g. co-conceiving ideas with Indigenous communities, community leaders, or local organizations working directly with disadvantaged communities; collaboration with smaller universities in local areas. 
  • The project must demonstrate a strong Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion approach.


Application process: April - May 27, 2024

  1. Selection process: May 27 - Jul 27, 2024
  2. Grants announcement: July 31, 2024
  3. Briefing and grants administration: August 1 - Aug 14, 2024
  4. Implementation duration: August 1 - December 2024
  5. Project closure: December 7 - 31, 2024
  6. Project Reporting : January 2025

For more information, please contact the responsible manager:

Eric Selemani (Africa Education Program Manager) :

Read the Guideline Here 

Read Articles/Stories Here: 

Pulitzer Center