Fundo Semear 2024 - Tema Oceanos
Por favor, leia atentamente o edital antes de preecher o formulario abaixo. Voce encontra o edital aqui (
O Fundo Semear apoia projetos de ate R$22000,00 (VINTE E DOIS MIL REAIS).
Em caso de duvidas, por favor contate Maria Rosa Darrigo (
Aqui você pode ser candidatar ao Fundo Semear - Tema Florestas.
Por favor, leia atentamente o edital antes de preecher o formulario abaixo. Voce encontra o edital aqui
O Fundo Semear apoia projetos de ate R$22000,00 (Vinte e Dois Mil Reais).
Em caso de duvidas, por favor contate Maria Rosa Darrigo (
It is mandatory for applicants to read through our full version guidelines (PDF format) in this link: English Guideline
Impact Seed Funding (ISF) 2025
Southeast Asia
Regions: Countries in Southeast Asia
Key Topics: Rainforest; Climate and Labor
The Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) supports educational and engagement initiatives working with issues highlighted in the Pulitzer Center-supported journalism, addressing the most critical issues confronting our planet's ecosystems and communities. The 2025 Southeast Asia ISF focuses on a range of topics, including rainforests and climate change, with a particular emphasis on its interconnectedness with workers and vulnerable communities.
Impact Seed Fund (ISF) is a microscale grant provided by the Pulitzer Center to support education, research, or scientific activities with the aim to enrich the perspectives and knowledge within the university community—specifically students and educators. ISF facilitates a deeper understanding of complex problems and encourages the exploration of solutions and innovations to address the impact of human activities on rainforests, oceans, and the climate crisis.
We aim to support projects that inspire changes in perspectives, narratives, and actions, fostering a more informed and empathetic community. By utilizing Pulitzer Center-supported stories, the ISF initiative aims to:
- Improve the awareness and critical thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to tropical forests, oceans, climate crisis, including their impacts on vulnerable communities. It encourages members of the university community to explore innovative solutions to address these impacts.
- Equip students and educators to take action and drive change to protect the environment, as well as the rights of those most affected by environmental destruction.
Utilizing stories as the center of the proposed projects: The Pulitzer Center’s different programs have produced journalism stories that bring to light local perspectives, often from voices that are rarely heard. These reports focus on underreported stories and situations that are crucial to better understand the challenges around tropical forests, climate change and ocean. These reports produce high-quality visuals, in-depth analysis, and data resources capable of conveying complex issues in a powerful and digestible way, making them excellent educational and communications tools. As such, they can generate important inputs for ISF-funded projects. All proposals must utilize at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists and explain how it will be relevant in the project.
Who can apply?
- Applicants should be university professors or researchers based in an institution
- Applicants are welcome to propose a project through a consortia of educators from universities in one or more regions of the country.
We believe in the power of knowledge and the role of education and educators in addressing multidisciplinary issues in social and environmental topics. Therefore, the ISF is designed to provide seed funding to educators globally to raise awareness of key issues to their communities around the world and contribute to aspired positive changes. The ISF provides micro-scale support to:
- Initiate new collaborations or build on existing collaborations among professors, researchers, students, local universities, most affected local communities, and journalists
- Increase engagement between educational communities, journalists, and Indigenous and affected communities
- Encourage the use of creative materials (e.g., photographs, short videos, documentaries, podcasts), infographics, data visuals, and information from the reports in teaching materials, student activities, curricular and classroom materials, or scientific publications;
- Support the meaningful translation of key findings, datasets, and methodologies from journalism reporting into projects tailored to unique local contexts. This may include comparative studies across different geographical regions
- Facilitate the adoption of the results presented in the reports into relevant research and other scientific products.
ISF Southeast Asia grants
range from USD $3,000 to $4,000. We expect projects to be implemented within four - five months of approval.
What we fund
- Collaborative projects with Pulitzer Center-supported journalists or multi-disciplinary educators;
- Collaborative projects with the most- affected local communities, such as: field surveys, knowledge exchange activities, student immersive learnings, biodiversity expeditions, and citizen journalism;
- Insertion of PC- supported journalism elements results into teaching materials, new modules, campus debates, hackathons on social issues, student-led debates, and dialogues;
- Support for multi-stakeholders dialogue, Focus Group Discussions with decision makers webinar series, seminars;
- Production and dissemination of visual content to support learning aids (short videos, documentaries, podcasts);
- Small exhibitions on campus, such as photo exhibits or film screenings;
- Journalism workshops for student press clubs;
- Communication activities to promote citizenship related to the proposed themes;
- Support for research activities: rapid studies, white papers, policy recommendations
- Proposals need to utilize at least one story reported by Pulitzer Center-supported journalists. Please see below for reference:
- For the topic of Rainforests: Applicants need to explore stories from the Rainforest Investigations Network and the Rainforest Reporting initiative.
- For the topic of Climate and Labor: Applicants need to explore stories from the Our Work/Environment initiative.
Examples include: collaboration with Pulitzer Center network journalists in the activity design upon proposal approval; utilization of key data/information from the journalists’ reporting in proposal outputs or activities.
- The activity must present intended impacts with audiences in the academic community (students or faculty/research fellows) and civil society that align with one or both of the following outcomes:
- Improve the awareness and critical thinking of students and educators about complex issues related to tropical forests, the ocean, and the climate crisis, including their impacts on vulnerable communities, and encourage the exploration of solutions and innovations to address these impacts.
- Equip students and educators to take action and drive changes to foster protection of the social and environment discourse as well as the rights of those most affected by socio-environmental destruction.
- Projects will ideally collaborate with the most affected communities; for example, co-conceiving ideas with Indigenous communities, community leaders, or local organizations working directly with disadvantaged communities; collaboration with smaller universities in local areas.
- The project must demonstrate a strong Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion approach. See the Pulitzer Center’s DEI statement for more information.
See more requirement details or guidelines on Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa information at the top of this page.
Project Timeline - Southeast Asia
Proposal Submission March: 12 - April 30
Selection Process: May 13 - June 13
Announcement: June 20
Contracting Process: June 20 - 30
Project Implementation: July 1 - December 1
Reporting: December Week 2 - Week 4
For more information, please contact the responsible managers:
Grenti Paramitha (Southeast Asia region):
Seluruh pendaftar wajib membaca Panduan Lengkap Asia Tenggara (dalam PDF) yang dapat diakses pada link berikut: Panduan Bahasa Indonesia
Wilayah: Negara-negara di Asia Tenggara
Topik Utama: Hutan Hujan, Iklim dan Tenaga Kerja
Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) mendukung inisiatif pendidikan, penelitian dan keterlibatan yang berfokus pada isu-isu yang disorot dalam jurnalisme yang didukung oleh Pulitzer Center. ISF memfasilitasi pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai tantangan paling mendesak yang dihadapi oleh ekosistem dan komunitas di planet kita. ISF Asia Tenggara 2025 menyoroti berbagai topik, termasuk hutan hujan dan perubahan iklim, dengan perhatian khusus pada keterkaitannya dengan pekerja dan komunitas rentan.
Impact Seed Fund (ISF) adalah hibah skala mikro yang diberikan oleh Pulitzer Center untuk mendukung kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian, atau aktivitas ilmiah dengan tujuan memperkaya perspektif dan pengetahuan di lingkungan universitas—khususnya bagi mahasiswa dan pendidik. ISF memfasilitasi pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang permasalahan kompleks serta mendorong eksplorasi solusi dan inovasi untuk mengatasi dampak aktivitas manusia terhadap hutan hujan, lautan, dan krisis iklim.
Kami ingin mendukung proyek-proyek yang menginspirasi perubahan perspektif, narasi, dan aksi, serta membangun komunitas yang lebih terinformasi dan berempati. Dengan memanfaatkan reportase yang didukung Pulitzer Center, ISF bertujuan untuk:
- Meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemikiran kritis mahasiswa dan pendidik tentang isu-isu kompleks terkait hutan hujan tropis, lautan, dan krisis iklim, termasuk dampaknya pada komunitas rentan. Hal Ini mendorong komunitas akademik untuk mengeksplorasi solusi inovatif guna mengatasi dampak tersebut
- Memfasilitasi mahasiswa dan pendidik untuk mengambil tindakan dan mendorong perubahan dalam melindungi lingkungan serta hak-hak mereka yang paling terdampak oleh kerusakan lingkungan.
ISF dirancang agar fleksibel dan responsif terhadap kebutuhan pendidik dan komunitas, memungkinkan pelamar untuk menciptakan aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu mendesak tentang iklim dan lingkungan yang relevan dengan konteks lokal.
Diluncurkan pada tahun 2022 di Indonesia, ISF telah memperluas cakupannya ke Amerika Latin, Afrika, dan wilayah lainnya.
Menggunakan Jurnalisme sebagai pusat dari proyek yang diusulkan: Dengan dukungan dari Pulitzer Center, jurnalis di seluruh dunia telah menghasilkan reportase terobosan yang mengeksplorasi isu-isu sistemik yang jarang dilaporkan yang mempengaruhi hutan hujan, lautan, serta keterkaitannya dengan perubahan iklim, tenaga kerja, dan komunitas rentan. Dengan analisis mendalam, visual berkualitas tinggi, dan wawasan berbasis data, reportase ini mengubah isu-isu kompleks menjadi narasi yang menarik dan relevan, menjadikannya sebagai alat pendidikan dan komunikasi yang sangat baik untuk proyek-proyek yang didanai ISF. Semua proposal harus menggunakan setidaknya satu reportase yang dibuat oleh jurnalis yang didukung oleh Pulitzer Center dan menjelaskan bagaimana laporan tersebut akan relevan dalam proyek yang diusulkan.
Siapa yang Bisa Melamar?
- Pelamar harus merupakan profesor atau peneliti universitas yang bernaung di institusi akademik
- Pelamar dapat mengusulkan proyek secara konsorsium dengan pendidik dari satu atau lebih universitas di dalam negeri.
Kami percaya pada kekuatan pengetahuan dan peran pendidikan serta pendidik dalam menangani isu sosial dan lingkungan yang bersifat multidisipliner. Oleh karena itu, ISF dirancang untuk memberikan pendanaan awal kepada pendidik di seluruh dunia guna meningkatkan kesadaran tentang isu-isu utama dalam komunitas mereka dan berkontribusi terhadap perubahan positif yang diharapkan. ISF menyediakan dukungan skala mikro untuk:
- Memulai kolaborasi baru atau membangun kolaborasi yang sudah ada antara profesor, peneliti, jurnalis, mahasiswa, universitas lokal, dan komunitas lokal yang paling terdampak.
- Mendorong keterlibatan antara komunitas pendidikan, jurnalis, dan komunitas adat atau komunitas terdampak lainnya.
- Mendorong penggunaan materi kreatif (misalnya, foto, video pendek, film dokumenter, podcast), infografis, visualisasi data, dan informasi dari laporan dalam bahan ajar, kegiatan mahasiswa, modul kurikulum, atau publikasi ilmiah.
- Mendukung hilirisasi temuan-temuan utama, kumpulan data, dan metodologi dari reportase jurnalisme ke dalam kegiatan yang disesuaikan dengan konteks lokal.
- Memfasilitasi adopsi hasil reportase ke dalam penelitian yang relevan dan produk ilmiah lainnya.
Besaran Dana
ISF Asia Tenggara berkisar antara USD $3,000 hingga $4,000. Kami mengharapkan proyek dapat diimplementasikan dalam waktu empat bulan setelah disetujui.
Apa yang ISF danai
- Proyek kolaboratif dengan jurnalis yang didukung Pulitzer Center atau pendidik multidisipliner.
- Proyek kolaboratif dengan komunitas lokal yang paling terdampak, seperti: survei lapangan, kegiatan pertukaran pengetahuan, pembelajaran mendalam bagi mahasiswa, ekspedisi keanekaragaman hayati, dan jurnalisme warga.
- Integrasi elemen jurnalisme yang didukung Pulitzer Center ke dalam materi ajar, mata kuliah atau silabus baru, debat kampus, hackathon isu sosial, debat dan dialog mahasiswa.
- Dukungan untuk dialog multi-pemangku kepentingan, diskusi kelompok terfokus dengan pembuat kebijakan, webinar, dan seminar.
- Produksi dan penyebaran konten visual untuk mendukung materi pembelajaran (video pendek, film dokumenter, podcast).
- Pameran kecil di kampus, seperti pameran foto atau pemutaran film.
- Lokakarya jurnalisme bagi klub pers mahasiswa.
- Kegiatan komunikasi untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan warga terhadap tema yang diusulkan.
- Dukungan untuk kegiatan penelitian: studi cepat, makalah kebijakan, rekomendasi kebijakan.
- Proyek harus menggunakan setidaknya satu reportase yang dilaporkan oleh jurnalis yang didukung Pulitzer Center. Referensi reportase dapat ditemukan di:
- Hutan Hujan: Rainforest Investigations Network dan Rainforest Reporting
- Iklim dan Tenaga Kerja: Our Work/Environment grants.
Daftar ini juga tersedia pada lampiran panduan.
Contoh termasuk: kolaborasi dengan jurnalis dalam jaringan Pulitzer Center dalam perancangan aktivitas ; pemanfaatan data/informasi utama dari laporan jurnalis dalam keluaran atau aktivitas proposal.
2. Setiap aktivitas harus menunjukkan dampak yang diharapkan pada audiens di komunitas akademik (mahasiswa, dosen, atau peneliti) dan masyarakat sipil, yang selaras dengan satu atau kedua hasil berikut:
- Meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemikiran kritis mahasiswa dan pendidik tentang isu-isu kompleks terkait hutan tropis, lautan, dan krisis iklim, termasuk dampaknya terhadap komunitas rentan, serta mendorong eksplorasi solusi dan inovasi untuk mengatasi dampak tersebut.
- Membekali mahasiswa dan pendidik agar dapat mengambil tindakan dan mendorong perubahan dalam perlindungan wacana sosial dan lingkungan, serta hak-hak mereka yang paling terdampak oleh kehancuran sosial-lingkungan.
Lihat lebih banyak detail persyaratan atau pedoman terkait Asia Tenggara, Brasil, dan Afrika di bagian awal halaman ini.
3. Secara ideal, proyek berkolaborasi dengan komunitas yang paling terdampak, misalnya dengan ikut merancang ide bersama komunitas adat, pemimpin komunitas, atau organisasi lokal yang bekerja langsung dengan komunitas; serta berkolaborasi dengan universitas kecil di daerah lokal.
4. Proyek harus menunjukkan pendekatan yang kuat terhadap Keberagaman, Kesetaraan, dan Inklusi (DEI). Lihat pernyataan DEI Pulitzer Center untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Cara Mendaftar
Semua pelamar harus mengajukan proposal melalui platform Submittable.
Bagi pelamar dari Asia Tenggara yang perlu mengajukan aplikasi dalam bahasa lokal, pastikan untuk mengirimkan aplikasi melalui tautan yang sesuai:
- Bahasa Inggris
- Bahasa Indonesia
Dokumen dan Informasi yang Perlu Dipersiapkan:
- Nama dan detail kontak lainnya
- Judul proyek
- Penjelasan tentang proyek yang diusulkan
- Elaborasi penggunaan reportase yang didukung Pulitzer Center
- Target audiens
- Penjelasan tentang dampak yang diharapkan
- Strategi atau metodologi untuk memastikan keberhasilan proyek
- Anggaran yang diusulkan
- Rincian anggaran, termasuk hasil atau aktivitas yang terkait, beserta unit dan harga
- Rincian linimasa pelaksanaan proyek
- Persetujuan dari komunitas lokal jika proyek melibatkan mereka
- Rencana awal produksi konten (jika ada), termasuk referensi dan strategi distribusi konten
- CV pemimpin proyek, termasuk tiga referensi profesional
Pastikan semua dokumen dan informasi disiapkan dengan lengkap sebelum mengajukan aplikasi
Tanggal Penting
- Pengajuan Proposal: 12 Maret - 30 April
- Proses Seleksi: 13 Mei - 13 Juni
- Pengumuman: 20 Juni
- Proses Kontrak: 20 - 30 Juni
- Pelaksanaan Proyek: 1 Juli - 1 Desember
- Pelaporan: Minggu ke-2 hingga ke-4 Desember
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi: Grenti Paramitha (Manager Pendidikan Wilayah Asia Tenggara) melalui
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang ISF dan lihat proyek-proyek yang telah disetujui sebelumnya sebagai inspirasi dalam panduan regional.
Daftar Sekarang : Pulitzer Center Application Manager (
Africa Impact Seed Funding (ISF) 2025
Guidelines FR / ENG
Eligible regions: Africa
It is mandatory for applicants to read through our full version guidelines (PDF format) in this link: Guidelines [French], Guidelines [English]
The Impact Seed Funding (ISF) is a micro-scale education grant that aims to support a range of education activities that can enrich the perspectives and knowledge on the socio-ecological challenges, solutions, and innovation about issues of rainforest, oceans, climate and labor crisis impact to the university/school community, specifically students and educators.
The main objective of the grant is to cultivate more curious, informed, empathetic communities on the underreported issues of Oceans and Climate change. Ultimately it aims to inspire change of perspectives, narratives, and actions amongst the communities. The Africa ISF projects will put the Pulitzer Center’s Climate & Labor, Rainforest, Transparency and Governance as well as Oceans Reporting Network (ORN) stories at the center of its engagement and activities.
The stories contributed by Pulitzer Center's fellows and grantees are representations of the passion of journalists being compelled to report on issues that matter around the world. These reports often bring first perspectives from the field, such as farmers and local communities affected by climate change. These reportages produce a lot of high-quality visuals, so that they are expected to be able to convey the complex issues in ways that are interesting and easy-to-understand.
We believe in the power of knowledge and the role of education and educators in addressing the multidisciplinary problems in rainforests, oceans and climate crisis. Hence, The Africa ISF is designed to provide seed funds for educators and researchers in Africa to unlock further impact from the reportages by the Pulitzer Center’s grantees and fellows, to increase awareness of urgent Ocean and climate issues among communities in the continent.
The Africa ISF will provide micro-scale grants to:
- Initiate new collaborations or develop existing collaborations among teachers, researchers, students, and journalists;
- Increase engagement between education communities, journalists, and local communities;
- Stimulate the use of creative visuals (e.g., comics, animated videos, photos, short videos, documentary, podcasts), data visuals and information from the reportages in teaching materials, student activities, curriculum and class materials, or scientific publications;
- Stimulate the introduction and promotion of DEI friendly tools in teaching materials, student activities, curriculum and scientific publications. (DEI = Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). Gender equality and Handicap issues among young students to be prioritized.
- Facilitate the adoption of featured findings in the reportages to relevant research and other scientific products.
The Africa ISF is designed to be flexible and responsive to educator and community needs, allowing applicants to establish activities linked to urgent issues in the Environmental, Oceans and Climate crisis.
The Africa ISF grants will range from USD $2,000 to $4,000. We expect that projects will be implemented within a four-months timeline after approval.
- The project must center around the stories reported by the Rainforest Grantees and Fellows or Climate & Labor grantees;
- The activity must showcase an intended impact towards the audience of the academic/school community (students or Fellow lecturers/researchers), or civil society;
- The project must be implemented in consultation with the relevant Pulitzer Center’s grantees or Fellows;
- The project must demonstrate a strong Diversity, Equity and Inclusion approach;
- Applicants must deliver financial and narrative reports at the end of the grant period, detailing costs and results.
For your reference, all Pulitzer Center supported reportages can be access on our website here
Type of Activities
Examples of successful ISF grant activities and outputs may include, but are not limited to:
- Student Engagement:
- Insertion in teaching materials, on-campus debates, social issues hackathons, student-led debates and dialogues
- Visuals production and dissemination (short videos, documentary, podcast, content);
- On-campus mini exhibition
- Journalism workshop for student press clubs
- Mobility/local Community Engagement: Knowledge exchange activities, student visits, biodiversity expeditions, citizen journalism
- Support for Research Activities: Data adoption to improve ongoing research accuracy, insertion of data or knowledge in a book chapter
- Applicants must be lecturers or researchers, k12 teachers, student groups based in Africa [See eligible countries]
- Please check annex 1 for specific eligibility criteria and opportunities details of each country
Project Duration
The maximum duration of the proposed collaboration is four months. Once the funding is approved and a grant agreement has been signed by the Pulitzer Center, funds will be transferred to the successful principal applicant. Formal project start and end dates will be established in the grant agreement.
Submission Process
The application must include the following:
- An overview of the proposed project in no more than 400 words. This must include the objectives, proposed activities, intended impact,rationale of the proposed project,
- Target audience & projection of total audience, strategy,
- Detailed timeframe,
- A preliminary budget estimate, including a basic breakdown of costs,
- If the proposed activities include knowledge exchange activities with forest communities, a statement by a member of the community showing a consent by them must be presented. This can be in the form of a message or letter,
- If the activities include content production, you must include a concept note explaining how you would produce it and outputs that you are aiming at,
- A copy of a curriculum vitae, including three professional references (heads of departments or leads in your workplace must be included). The references should be in the form of letters of recommendation.
- Application process: March - Apr 30, 2025
- Selection process: May 13 - Jun 13, 2025
- Grants announcement: June 20, 2025
- Briefing and grants administration: June 20 - Jun 30, 2025
- Implementation duration: July 1 - Dec 15, 2025
- Project reporting and closure: December 15 - 31, 2025
For more information, please contact the responsible manager:
Eric Selemani (Africa Education Program Manager) :
Read the Guideline
Read Articles/Stories Here: